Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

An atomic explosion awakens Gammera–a giant, fire-breathing turtle monster–from his millions of years of hibernation. Enraged at being roused from such a sound sleep, he takes it out on Tokyo.

  • January 29, 2021
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A reporter uncovers an amazing medical plot.

Starfish-shaped extraterrestrials take human form and visit Earth to warn of an approaching asteroid which will destroy our planet. English dubbed. Dir. Koji Shima

This outer space adventure marked the debut of Rocky Jones and his Space Rangers. Two of Rocky’s allies are captured by aliens and brain washed.

People living in a seaside town are frightened by reports about an unknown creature in the ocean. Nobody knows what it is, but it’s really the son of Doctor Salvator. The doctor performed surgery on his son and now young Ichtiandr can live underwater. This gives him certain advantages, but creates a lot of problems.

TV Movie. Benevolent aliens from the planet Emerald send superhero Starman to protect Earth from invasion by an evil alien race called the Spherions. When Starman arrives on Earth, he discovers a conspiracy involving Earth’s top scientists, and he must root out the traitors and also stop the impending alien invasion.

In this sci-fi adventure, two of Earth’s brightest scientists find themselves abducted by aliens, desperate to save their world from certain death.

Rocky Jones (Richard Crane) and crew take action when an impending celestial collision threatens two civilizations.

An American secret agent tries to stop the Soviets from launching an intercontinental missile at the mainland United States.

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