Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

This film celebrating the inspiring events of Jesus’ last days is a faithful adaptation taken directly from The New Testament. Cornelius is a Roman Centurion who, upon orders from the Apostle Thomas, is sent to proclaim the glories of Christ. Cornelius recounts the story of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, the Last Supper, the crucifixion, and his appearance before Mary Magdalene.

Includes the First Disciples, the Sins Are Forgiven, Woman at the Well, Jesus of Nazareth, and Capernaum. The life and ministry of Christ become vividly real in this series of live-action programs taken from the New Testament, featuring faithful translations and sensitive readings.

This 105-minute religious drama is based on the life of Saint Bernadette Soubirous, the woman who at the age of fourteen — in February and March of 1858, had a total of eighteen visions of the Virgin Mary. Bernadette (played by Daniele Ajoret) was told to go to a specific grotto. She left with 300,000 people joining her in this pilgrimage and when at the grotto, the Virgin Mary appeared to tell her to dig by a large rock. She did as instructed, and a spring gushed forth that is still visited today by those seeking to be healed — at Lourdes. Soubirous goes on to a life of contemplation but is plagued by sickness and succumbs at the age of thirty-five, a saintly legend in her own time. ~ Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi

Includes Thirty Pieces of Silver, Betrayal in Gethsame, Jesus Before the High Priest, and Trial Before Pilate. The life and ministry of Christ become vividly real in this series of live-action programs taken from the New Testament, featuring faithful translations and sensitive readings.

Biblical epic featuring Welles as King Saul in the story of how a young boy faces and slays the Philistine giant. English dubbed. Dir. Ferdinando Baldi, Richard Pottier

Includes Jesus and the Fisherman, Jesus Teaches Forgiveness, Jesus Lord of the Sabbath, and Jesus and the Lepers. The life and ministry of Christ become vividly real in this series of live-action programs taken from the New Testament, featuring faithful translations and sensitive readings.

Includes Crucifixion, Nicodemus, Lord is Risen and Lord’s Ascension. The life and ministry of Christ become vividly real in this series of live-action programs taken from the New Testament, featuring faithful translations and sensitive readings.

This biblical epic chronicles the rocky relationship between David the giant-killer and Saul, King of the Israelites who listens to the subversive whispers of his jealous wife and ultimately loses his life. This is one of a series of Bible tales.

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