Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

A kung-fu master seeks revenge in this chop-socky actioner.

japanese enemies murder a chinese man’s family. The man seeks revenge at all costs. Dubbed To English

Chang Chen-Wai, a martial arts expert who runs a jade-importing business, follows his missing brother to Thailand and learns he has been murdered. Chang vows revenge.

A young Kung Fu student decides to investiage the death of his hero, Bruce Lee, and come up against a sinister conspiracy.

Contains actual early films of Bruce Lee, once feared lost but recently discovered in the Chinese film archives.

Young prince seeks to return the golden city to his people and overturn the black general.

Chan’s directorial debut is a surprisingly assured piece of work, easily confirming why Chan is the most talented superstar in the world today. As you’d expect, the fight sequences are breathtaking to watch, amazingly inventive and beautifully choreographed. Similarly, the joky historical story is typical Chan: he plays a blundering fool out to find his brother who has turned to the dark side. Mistaken identity mishaps ensue. The film concludes with a kick ass TWELVE MINUTE one-on-one fight sequence: totally unheard of in Hollywood, yet in Chan’s hands it it totally watchable and works very well. Yet another hit from the Jackie Chan fun factory.

Chow, on a visit to Thailand meets a girl who takes him around to see the sites. What he’s really interested in is Thai boxing, so she brings him to a match where her friend is competing.

The second in a series of three 90-minute features that won accolades for the outstanding quality of production and expertise in the filiming of the most magnificent fight scenes ever filmed. AKA: DUEL OF THE DRAGON.

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