Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

Woman dies of terror when shown the death mask of a man she framed. But that’s only the beginning…From a slab in the morgue, the woman tells her story of fear and treachery. Lugosi’s only color feature, brought to you in Glorious Cinecolor. Dir. William Christy Cabanne.

Wealthy investor bets he can spend the night in a creepy wax museum, unaware that his intended son-in-law plans his demise. Dir. George Pearson

  • January 29, 2021
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Lone survivor of a freighter drifts to a desolate island where a doctor conducting experiments calcualted to turn panther into human being finds him. The creature gets loose causing havoc before its destruction.

A cancer researcher on a remote Caribbean island discovers that by treating the natives with snake venom he can turn them into bug-eyed zombies. Uninterested in this information, the unfortunate man is forced by his evil employer to create an army of the creatures in order to conquer the world.

Through blood-spatterd annals of the Dark Ages walk the undead.

A young woman arrives at her grandmother’s house, which used to be a funeral home, to help her turn the place into a bed-and-breakfast inn. After they open, however, guests begin disappearing or turning up dead.

On New Year’s Eve, the driver of a ghostly carriage forces a drunken man to reflect on his selfish, wasted life.

  • January 29, 2021
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Aliens release a furry critter in the wilds of Lapland where it takes a woman captive and threatens a group of scientists.

  • January 29, 2021
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A young woman is driving alongside a lake. She has an accident and the car plunges into the water. Her body is then possessed by the spirit of an 18th-century witch who was killed by local villagers, and is bent on avenging herself on them.

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