Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

Dangerous killer known as “The Tiger” fronts a charity which supposedly helps ex-convicts, but in reality, steers them toward more criminal activities. Produced by George King. Dir. George King

Nostradamus, the vampire, boasts of killing the police inspector.

Savage’s starring debut as a misunderstood mama’s boy with a homicidal bent.

American reporter assigned to interview a scientist in Tokyo is drugged and injected with an strange elixer. Soon he gets a rash on his shoulder, which develops into something more. Written by George P. Breakston. Dir. George Breakston, Kenneth G. Crane

  • January 29, 2021
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A gravedigger prowls the city in search of a female to bear him a son. First appearance of Marin’s famous character Coffin Joe. Coffin Joe is a funeral agent who terrorizes a small town. He mocks people’s beliefs and is obsessed with the idea of generating the perfect son. He pursues his goal endlessly and cruelly.

Professor “Johnny Longbow” Salina, a man who really knows his stews, introduces Paul Carlson to the practical-joking Kathy Nolan. Paul and Kathy seem to hit it off rather well but, during a meteor storm, a meteorite fragment strikes Paul, burying itself deep in his skull, which has the unpleasant side-effect of causing Paul to mutate into a giant reptilian monster at night and go on murderous rampages. It turns out that this sort of thing has happened before, when Professor Salina rediscovers ancient Native American paintings detailing a similar event many centuries ago. Kathy, however, still loves Paul, and tries to save him.

Hippie couple travels to California wilderness in search of a friend. A pair of woodsmen assault them and the terror begins.

After several locals are viciously murdered, a Louisiana sheriff starts to suspect he may be dealing with a werewolf.

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