Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

An architect travels to the remote city of Eschnapur to oversee some work being done at the bequest of the local Maharajah. Along the way the architect meets and falls in love with a beautiful temple-dancer. The Maharajah also loves this dancer and plans to marry her despite fierce opposition from factions within his own court. The dancer responds to the architect’s advances and they flee from Eschnapur but are captured by the Maharajah’s soldiers. To save the architect’s life, the dancer agrees to marry the Maharajah. This sparks a revolt which is eventually put down. The sadder but wiser Maharajah then allows the architect and the dancer to leave his domain.

Four American friends, badly needing money, decide to make a commando-like raid into a South American country and steal $5 million from the hacienda of an American-born drug dealer who lives there. The four Americans then succeed rather easily in stealing the money, but soon run into trouble trying to get back out of the country, as both the drug dealer and a small army of bandits each hunt them down trying to get the money

Based on the novel by Anthony Price and originally aired in the UK as part of the “Chessgame” television series, this British spy thriller stars Terence Stamp as David Audley, former Oxford professor turned intelligence agent.

A British radio operator is captured in occupied territory and forced to send messages back to London endangering allied forces.

A group of Vietnam War veterans declare war on Los Angeles drug dealers and the Mafia.

In 1821,among the first British sailors to set foot on New Zealand, Phillip Wayne befriends a Maori tribe’s chief, marries in England and returns to New Zealand with a small group of followers to settle.

Beatty heads an expedition into the deepest part of the Congo in search of lions and gorillas, and stumbles upon a dangerous tribe. Dir. George Blair

In 1910, Hong Kong members of a secret Tong crime syndicate protect their identities by murdering the daughter of a British sea captain who vows revenge.

The owner of a small ocean vessel helps a scientist to escape communist Germany.

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