Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

Competitive co-workers share interest in the same woman.

Elderly man gathers gold digging relatives together in a spooky old house for the reading of his will. Dir. Frank McDonald.

A Florida boat captain loses his license after an attempt to smuggle some Cuban refugees results in a woman dying in the process.

A story about a father and son who fight on opposite sides during war between the Cossacks and the Poles. AKA “The Rebel Son”.

A masked hero called “The Eagle” leads California ranchers in a struggle against Russian Cossacks who are plotting to take over California and turn it into a Russian colony.

Solid adaptation of Napoleon’s life story, from his youthful conquests to his eventual exile. Written by Sacha Guitry. English dubbed. Dir. Sacha Guitry

Written by Richard Matheson, the made-for-television horror movie Scream of the Wolf is about an author (Peter Graves) being stalked by a terrifying, mysterious and lethal beast. The creature is also being tracked by a big-game hunter, who has come out of retirement to make one final big score.

1915: Orphaned boy determined to make his own way in the world finds roots in rural Missouri town. After hard work and many obstacles manages to get a farm of his own.

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