Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

Frank “Bring-Em-Back-Alive” Buck goes deep in the jungles to capture a menagerie of wild animals in this exciting compilation of his adventures. Dir. William C. Ament

Biopic of RAF Group Captain Douglas Bader who, after having lost both legs, flew a British fighter plane during WW2.

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When two soldiers from the early 1800s try to rearrange their particular place in the scheme of the military hierarchy and manage to get themselves killed in the process, they are called before Queen Anne in the hereafter and sentenced to haunt a mansion until released by visiting royalty. Made entertaining less by the hackneyed plot line than by the photographic techniques used to make the ghosts assume human forms and the good cast.

New York gangster hiding out on a tiny island supplies sabotaged torpedoes to the Nazis, but when an ex-NYC cop is shipwrecked on the island, his livlihood is endangered. Dir. Albert Kelley

A prison break is attempted the same night an execution occurs on death row.

Thrilling Western of cavalry versus the Indians.

Once of Laughton’s most famous roles as the infamous buccaneer in search of treasure on the high seas with a savage gang of cutthroats. AAN for music.

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