Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

The legendary Loreley has been living for centuries in a grotto beneath the river Rhein in Germany. Every night when the moon is full, she turns into a reptilelike creature craving for human blood. When one girl after another of a nearby boarding school is killed by her, a hunter named Sirgurd is engaged to kill the monster.

  • September 22, 2023
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Title characters battle evil and intrigue in the court of the ruler of Atra. English dubbed. Dir. Gianfranco Parolini

Heroic fighter and his cowardly sidekick are captured and made into slaves when they try to restore a rightful ruler to his throne. Written by Antonio Leonviola. English dubbed. Dir. Antonio Leonviola

Mighty warrior Hercules joins deposed ruler Jason in his search for the symbol of rightful rulership; The Golden Fleece. Photographed by Mario Bava. English dubbed. Dir. Pietro Francisci

Based on the Roman legend of two feuding nations who each choose three valient warriors to fight a duel which will end the struggle. One of Ladd’s final films. English dubbed. Dir. Ferdinando Baldi, Terence Young

  • September 21, 2023
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Muscle-bound Aeneas leads the opressed Trojans into battle against the Greeks. English dubbed. Dir. Giorgio Rivalta

Muscleman Reeves leads a band of mountain warriors against the evil Russian Czar. Cinematography by Mario Bava. English dubbed. Dir. Riccardo Freda

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