Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

Story of a grotesque monster lurking in a lake.

A chilling yet inspiring story of the supernatural.

This threadbare Mexican production (the sequel to The Bloody Vampire) involves 16th-century bloodsucker Count Frankenhausen (Carlos Agosti), whose true identity is known only by an intrepid vampire-hunting doctor. Unfortunately, our hero is unable to convince the residents of the surrounding town that their Count is one of the undead. When his theory is finally proven correct and Frankenhausen gets a stake through the heart, legions of once-slain vampires surprisingly rise from their graves and descend upon the hapless villagers. Though the original production appears fairly atmospheric and features some legitimate chills, it is rendered utterly ridiculous (much like its predecessor) by the atrocious dubbing of the English-language version.

After he’s thrown out of Vienna for wanting to experiment on humans, Dr. Blood sets up shop in the village of Cornwall where, you guessed it –innocent villagers start disappearing. Dir. Sidney J. Furie

After he’s thrown out of Vienna for wanting to experiment on humans, Dr. Blood sets up shop in the village of Cornwall where, you guessed it –innocent villagers start disappearing. Dir. Sidney J. Furie

Mysterious magician brings his troupe to a small Swedish town, where the resident bigwigs are intent on proving him to be a fraud. Written by Ingmar Bergman. English dubbed. Dir. Ingmar Bergman.

A traveling troupe, led by hypnotist and jagician, trek to 19th Century Stockholm where they are humiliated by a cynical medical officer. After events leading to his death, hypnotist comes back from dead to physically prusue doctor and is almost trapped

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