Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

  • September 2, 2023
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  • Comments Off on Mark Of Satan, The (LA MARCA DE SATANAS ) 1957
  • September 2, 2023
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  • Comments Off on Messalina AKA Messalina Imperial Venus 1960

Scheming Messalina marries Roman Emperor Claudius but goes too far with a gladiator.

  • September 2, 2023
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  • Comments Off on Phantom of the Monastery AKA Phantom of the Convent 1934

Alfonso (Del Campo), Eduardo (Villatoro) and Eduardo’s wife Cristina (Ruel) get lost when visiting a forest. A strange monk finds them and takes them to an ancient convent. There, the three amigos suffer personality changes, specially Cristina who tries to seduce Alfonso in a strange coincidence to a story told by an old monk. After some efforts to escape, Alfonso is trapped inside a jail and more strange and macabre situations happen.

In the 13th century there existed a legion of evil knights known as the Templars, who quested for eternal life by drinking human blood and committing sacrifices. Executed for their unholy deeds, the Templars bodies were left out for the crows to peck out their eyes. Now, in modern day Portugal, a group of people stumble on the Templars abandoned monastery, reviving their rotting corpses to terrorize the land.

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Originally Ungarische Rhapsodie, this opulent Erich Pommer production stars Lil Dagover, Dita Parlo, and Willy Fritsch. The latter is cast as Franz, a dissolute young Austrian Army officer who gets himself into an embarrassing situation with the worldly Camilia (Dagover), the wife of elderly Baron Barsody (Leopold Kramer). Franz is rescued from public disgrace by pretty Hungarian peasant girl Marika (Parlo), who puts her own reputation on the line in the process. Out of gratitude, he asks Marika to become his wife, which she does, thereby apparently “absolving” the hero of his previous peccadilloes. Julian Johnson wrote the English-language subtitles for this heaping helping of mittel-European schmaltz.

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