Frequently Asked Questions About Public Domain Movies
Learn More About RetroFilm Vault's service for media professionals.
We have hundreds of high definition public domain movies from broadcast quality masters, The RetroFilm Vault is the original and definitive one-stop source for public domain films and programs for broadcast and professional media purposes such as stock footage use. From the heart of movie land, The RetroFilm Vault has the largest archive for broadcast quality public domain films on the planet...
Call us for a price quote at (310) 622-7267
The RetroFilm Vault specializes in providing media professionals with high broadcast quality programming content for use in broadcast television, film projects, video streaming, distribution, public television, cable or other professional needs. We are not a home video distributor. We do not sell to the general public.
Our customers include television stations, film distributors, video distributors, stock footage companies, independent producers, broadband internet TV stations, VOD companies, and PBS affiliates. The RetroFilm Vault’s programming is transferred from high quality masters in the broadcast format you require. Choose from high quality digital files such as Apple Quicktime ProRes Mov, Mpeg2, or Mpeg4. Our ever expanding high definition library currently consists of over 500 titles.
– No Licensing Fees.
– Unlimited Repeated Usage.
– A public domain title is yours to use indefinitely.
Pricing depends on the quantity you order and the delivery format your technical needs require.
For a price quote, email us with your contact information and your list of titles or call us at (310) 622-7267
One-Time Buyout Pricing Means No Licensing Fees
Public domain television programs are yours to use indefinitely.
Learn More About RetroFilm Vault's service for media professionals.
The largest distributor of public domain films in the world
Take a step back.
With tens of thousands of hours of programming, you can always find something interesting, entertaining, or unexpected from our public domain film archive.