Bernadette Of Lourdes 1960

This 105-minute religious drama is based on the life of Saint Bernadette Soubirous, the woman who at the age of fourteen — in February and March of 1858, had a total of eighteen visions of the Virgin Mary. Bernadette (played by Daniele Ajoret) was told to go to a specific grotto. She left with 300,000 people joining her in this pilgrimage and when at the grotto, the Virgin Mary appeared to tell her to dig by a large rock. She did as instructed, and a spring gushed forth that is still visited today by those seeking to be healed — at Lourdes. Soubirous goes on to a life of contemplation but is plagued by sickness and succumbs at the age of thirty-five, a saintly legend in her own time. ~ Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi

Genre: Religious Films
Starring: Daniele Ajoret
Year: 1960
Color/BW: Black & White
Movie Type: Public Domain Movies
Decade: 1960s
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