Fistful of Talons 1983

In ‘Hu ying’ a.k.a. ‘A Fistful of Talons’, Billy Chong portrays a young misfit who becomes an apprentice to a kung fu master who is trying to stop Ch’ing Dynasty loyalists from throwing The Republic of China into a civil war. Billy Chong is one of the better known “Jackie Chan” clones created the wake of ‘Drunken Master’. At times, Chong tends to overact in this film, but he is one amazing martial artist! Hwang Ing-sik is terrific as the main antagonist who wants to re-establish the Ch’ing government. The fight choreography, cinematography, editing, and direction are excellent.

Genre: Martial Arts Movies
Starring: Billy Chong
Year: 1983
Color/BW: Color
Movie Type: Public Domain Martial Arts Movies
Decade: 1980s
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