Love Life Of Adolph Hitler 1948

Also known as Conform or Die, this 61-minute documentary takes an aggressively exploitational approach to its subject. Culled from miles and miles of home-movie footage, the film shows Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini at work and at play. Much screen time is devoted to Hitler’s mistress Eva Braun and her thinly-clad girlfriends, who cavort in the waters in and around Berchetedtsgarten. These bizarrely idyllic sequences are counterparted by graphic, stomach-churning footage of Nazi atrocities and wartime carnage. The film ends with the now-familiar shots of the dead Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petracci hanging by their heels in the Milan town square. In later years, The Love Life of Adolph Hitler was reissued with new scenes involving Chinese communist leader Mao Tse Tung.

Genre: Documentaries Adolph Hitler
Year: 1948
Color/BW: Black & White
Movie Type: Pubic Domain Documentaries
Decade: 1940s
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