Meet The Boyfriend 1937

Before he “reinvented” himself as Robert Paige, actor David Carlyle headed the cast of Republic’s Meet the Boy Friend. Paige/Carlyle plays radio crooner Tony Page, billed as “America’s Boy Friend” (hence the title). Despite all the publicity hype, Tony is a “regular fellow” who despises the phoniness of show business. When predatory actress Vilma Vlare (Gwili Andre) sets her sights on Tony, his sponsor takes out a $300,000 no-marriage insurance policy. Our hero figures incorrectly that the policy was the handiwork of the insurance agent’s niece June (Carol Hughes), who has made no secret that she’s crazy about the boy. Tony disdainfully challenges the policy by proposing to Vilma but changes his mind when June is kidnapped, rushing to her rescue as a prelude to wedding bells.

Genre: Classic Films
Starring: Carol Hughes
Year: 1937
Color/BW: Black & White
Movie Type: Public Domain Movies
Decade: 1930s
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