The RetroFilm Vault is a business to business broadcast quality content provider servicing established media-related businesses. For more details, read our qualifed buyers page.
Each order is customized to our clients individual programing needs. Pricing depends on four components. 1) The number of titles requested 2) The file format requested (MPEG4 or Apple Quicktime ProRes files) 3) Whether the titles are standard definition or high definition (or a combination). 4) Type of programming (i.e. movies, television,etc) or footage you are requesting. For discussion on pricing or other questions, call us at (310) 622-7267 during business hours 9 AM to 6PM Pacific Time U.S. or email us with your want list of public domain movies with your complete contact information (including a contact phone number). Composing your want list and sending it to us yields the most accurate quote.
Please refer to the answer to previous question.