Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

A tolerant sheriff in a remote, post-Civil war Kansas town tries to straighten out a deadly conflict between cattlemen and homesteaders. Written by Ernest Haycox. Dir. Edwin L. Marin

In a pre-Hoppy venture, Boyd plays an orphan discovered by Farnum & MacDonald, who argue over who will adopt him. Farnum wins the battle, but the feud rages on for years, until Boyd returns from college determined to bridge the gap. Gable’s first talkie; he plays the love interest of MacDonald’s daughter, who falls for Boyd. Dir. Howard Higgin

The Duke adopts a young Indian girl who has been kidnapped for the deed to her inheritance, a $50,000 oil field. Dir. Harry Fraser

  • January 29, 2021
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Sartana, bounty hunter and gunfighter, witnesses the robbery of a shipment of gold. He finds his way into town where he meets with a lot of suspicious stares from the locals. He also meets with Samuel Spencer, who seems to own the company in this company town. The gold shipments are being stolen, so Spencer agrees to hire Sartana to protect the next gold shipment. Numerous dull-witted villains make attempts on Sartana’s life, but he survives. Eventually, Sartana’s nemesis Sabbath (he of the white coat and parasol) rides into town. With a showdown inevitable, Sartana and Sabbath square off

A grizzled ex-sheriff helps a man framed for murder to confront the powerful trio of brothers who want him dead.

Also released under the title In Old Oklahoma, this western follows the struggle of a hard-bitten frontier man (John Wayne) as he competes with a wealthy opponent (Albert Dekker) for the rights to a tract of oil-rich land and a pretty young woman.

The story of Jeb Stuart, his romance with Kit Carson Holliday, friendship with George Custer and battles against John Brown in the days leading up to the outbreak of the American Civil War.

A young gunfighter plans to track down and eliminate the bandits who killed his family, and forms a tenuous alliance with an aging ex-outlaw, till the surprising end.

Running from the law after a bank robbery in Mexico, Dad Longworth finds an opportunity to take the stolen gold and leave his partner Rio to be captured. Years later, Rio escapes from the prison where he has been since, and hunts down Dad for revenge. Dad is now a respectable sheriff in California, and has been living in fear of Rio’s return.

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