Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

The Media Professional's Source for Public Domain Films

The RetroFilm Vault comes to you from the land of cinema – Hollywood, California. Since 1999 The RetroFilm Vault has provided public domain films for media professionals from broadcast and satellite television stations, home video distributors, film production companies, stock footage professionals, film producers, video streaming companies, and multimedia companies an affordable and exciting alternative to licensed programming. Please note, the RetroFilm does not sell to the public. Our clients are established corporate media companies.

RetroFilm Vault Our vast public domain films, television, cartoon, and documentary library has beamed across the planet via wire and via air for over two decades Curated from the best available 35mm film sources, the RetroFilm Vault delivers the quality and variety that our customers need for professional use.

The RetroFilm Vault is also proud to house the largest collection of movie trailers in the world with over 30,000 trailers [...]

Public Domain Films Archive

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The Ultimate Public Domain Movies & TV Archive 44,000 public domain movies from broadcast quality masters, The RetroFilm Vault is the original and definitive one-stop source for public domain films and programs for broadcast and professional media purposes such as stock footage use. From the heart of movie land, The RetroFilm Vault has the largest archive for broadcast quality public domain films on the planet. Call us for a price quote at (310) 622-7267 if you are qualified buyer. The RetroFilm Vault specializes in providing qualified media buyers with high broadcast quality programming content for use in broadcast television, film projects, video streaming, distribution, public television, cable or other professional needs. We are not a home video distributor. We do not sell to the general public. Our customers include television stations, film distributors, video distributors, stock footage companies, broadband internet TV stations, established VOD companies, and PBS affiliates. The RetroFilm Vault's programming is transferred from high quality masters in the broadcast format you require. Choose from professional quali [...]
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