Author Archive: Retro

Author Archives for Retro

Scientists exploring the ocean become trapped beneath the sea, discovering a network of caves supplied with oxygen by a volcanic vent. Dir. Jerry Warren

Robot Monster may well be the worst science fiction film ever made (Plan 9 From Outer Space is its main competition for that dubious honor), but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t fun to watch. Filmed in an eye-straining 3D process, this curious melange takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. Evidently, there are only six people left on earth: little Johnny (Gregory Moffett), his sisters Alice (Claudia Barrett) and Carla (Pamela Paulson), his widowed mother (Selena Royle), his supposed father the Professor (John Mylong) and the prof’s assistant Roy (George Nader). As the survivors wander around Bronson Canyon, the Professor comes to the conclusion that the rest of the world has been wiped out by a “calcinator death ray,” wielded by an army of creatures from the planet Ro-Man. The invaders are supposed to be killer robots, but they look more like gorillas in diving helmets (that’s because gorilla impersonator George Barrows supplied his own [...]

Three people are transported into a parallel reality, where they find they must use modern technology, but medieval weapons, in order to save the citizenry from a murderous warlord.

A scientist doing experiments on a human fetus discovers a method to accelerate the fetus into a mature adult in just a few days. However, the “adult” fetus turns into a homicidal psycho and looks for a new formula to prevent her from aging further.

An expedition to the Moon finds an underground civilization of feline femmes and a giant spider filled with sawdust.

Crazy old woman has nutty Dr. Frank transplant her brain into the body of a beautiful young girl. Of course they work out the bugs by experimenting with a couple of foreign immigrants. Dir. Joseph V. Mascelli

A self-obsessed professor/genius tests his experimental immortality drug on himself. He slowly devolves to a sawed-off dinosaur, then primordial slime.

Aliens kidnap two children and take them to another planet for the purpose of getting knowledge from their brains, but Gamera follows and tries to rescue them.

A strange force transforms women into creatures who “mate” men to their deaths. Written by Nicholas Meyer (SEVEN PERCENT SOLUTION, STAR TREK II & VI).

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